The Inflatable Protective Home Barrier is: 1. Pre-engineered,
2. Pre-fabricated,
3. Modular,
4. Portable,
The Inflatable Protective Home Barrier’s methodology allows for emergency deployment of pre-fabricated fire protection modules of homes without and evaluation or inspection.
The IPHB pre-engineered shapes and sizes are determined by the types of houses needing protection a Cottage, Rambler, or Ranch for example, each type of house has its own range of height, width and length and roof types. The IPHB components are designed, based on these already known measurements.
The IPHB is factory manufactured to standard measured sections based on the shapes, sizes of house types.
Pre-fabrication allows the IPHB to protect many different shapes, and styles of houses and structures, some others to include split levels, Cape Cods, and Florida Vacation.
It is not practical to design house specific systems, one for each the 30 or so house styles, there are just too many. To overcome this production problem the IPHB is manufactured into pre-fabricated units of protection Modules. Modules are made to attach to and overlap with other modules to form a complete fire protection system which will be able to protect just about any style of house.
For example a house trailer would be protected by 2 modules overlapping on the ends or sides. A rambler would use 2 to 4 modules overlapping the end corners and roof. A two story cottage may use 4 modules.
Larger structures with sun rooms or extensions would be protected with several Modules over lapping as needed for complete protection.
Each IPHB modular unit is packed in to its own special box. Each box is coded Identifying which pre-engineered, pre-fabricated module is in that Box.

The above A Box is a IPHB model for office demonstrations.

The IPHB pump Box inflates and deflates through the same hose.
For example the boxes marked T are sized for trailers, boxes marked R are sized for Ramblers, boxes marked C are sized for Cottage, boxes marked M are mid section units along with the codes of I for inside corners and O for outside corners.
The IPHB boxes are specially coded allowing fireman to identify which modules they will be using to protect the house next door to a house fire from heat exposure damage.
The Inflatable Protective Home Barrier (IPHB) is a do-it-yourself wildfire system. The do-it-yourself IPHB for the home owner is a lighter version of the IPHB for fire departments with the same modular and portable designs. Wildfires are for the most part are not an emergency now type of fire. Wildfires are seasonal you know when they are coming and have time to prepare.
Before its time to evacuate, the home owner can deploy their own IPHB which was pre-purchased and stored at home. The IPHB for wildfiress is lighter in weight and has larger coverage capacity to fully envelope the structure and uses a fan forced inflation device for deployment. No hoses or bottled gas to store or to maintain.
The IPHB is a do-it-yourself fire protection system for the capable home owner. The home owner can design the IPHB with the help of pictures and dimension and an internet based build it your self web site. Or the home owner can seek the assistance of their local IPHB consultant to design the
system for them and have the modular IPHB components delivered to the customer’s home for storage or set up the next day. There are at least 8 million homes in the 20 most at risk states for wildfires that are already in grave danger of wild fires.
If there was technology that could save your home during a wildfire and it was affordable, and do-it-yourself, would there be any reason for homeowners who's homes are in grave danger of wildfires not to find out how the Protective Home Barrier Wildfire protection system can save their homes and a life time of memories?
The Inflatable Protective Home Barrier is a work in progress. Please feel free to share The Inflatable Protective Home Barrier system information with business partners and friends.
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Click on the link below for US Patent: 7,866,101 to view Publications.,866,101.PN.&OS=PN/7,866,101&
The Inflatable Protective Home Barrier is in it's research and development stage. I will be looking forward to reading your
e-mails and answering your questions. Please contact me by e-mail at IPHBUSA@GMAIL.COM or use our contact page.